Saturday, January 28, 2006

24 hours ago...I was still at KCI

I´m here. I´m exhausted. I´m going to bed...but I´ll write tomarrow.

Here´s some pictures I took earlier today from the courtyard at Santa Chiara.

This one is looking out...

And this one is looking towards Santa Chiara...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found and watched your plane go over the ocean.

Get some sleep and we miss you.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dork! Looks like good times over there, eh? Those are some great looking landscapes and buildings (though I'm sure totally underappreciated by these undereducated eyes).

(bet you had no idea it was) Jon

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you made it overseas!

I can't wait to hear more! Don't forget to update often (enough)!

I wanted to call you about going out tonight, and then I was like hmm...nevermind.

Hanging out with Jon is less exciting without you. Talk to you soon!

1:58 AM  

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