Monday, February 20, 2006


Enrique with his fuzzy hat outside of the train station in Torino...with this hat, it looks like he actually has hair on top of his head!Me, Tara, and Laura waiting in line for tickets to an olympic event...which one? not sure yet.

The craziest dutch I've ever seen! Apparently dressing as a pimp in orange velvet and lepord is a way to support speed skating....

My first glimpse of the Olympic torch, waaaaaay in the distance. From here it looks really tall, but its not.

Waiting in line (we did alot of that!) to go see our Olympic Hockey game! Sweden vs. Latvia! Nobody knew where Latvia is, so we cheered for Sweden. (Me, Dan, Miles, and Jose)
Sweden is in the yellow, and the Latvians (?) are in the red. The Latvian fan were crazy!
The torch at night from closer up, isn't it pretty?
Me, Kristina, and Marissa. Marissa is Kristina's Aunt's cousin and lives in Torino. She knew quite a bit of English and was an EXCELLENT tour guide! She stayed up untill four in the morning walking us around and showing off her city! Very take charge. She was very good at cutting in front of people in cafes so we could get seats.
Torino had some amazing light displays over the people packed streets. (there were soooo many people on the streets!) This one of the constallations was my favorite. You can sorta see the crowds in the bottom of the picture. Marissa said that the population of Torino DOUBLED during the olympics, and I believer her.
The warm water display...the warmed the water in brick channels and placed red lights underneath of them. The warm water created a whole bunch of steam.
Another lights display. See all of the people? It was like that EVERYWHERE!

This is over the Po River. The church is lit up along with the other building below. The Po was really cold though, and foggy. Whenever I was close to the river, I could feel it becuase is was 5 degrees cooler.

Me falling asleep at the train station. It was out of the cold and I was soooo tired!

Baisic Itenerary:

got in at 2 pm.

caught a train to the olympic village stuff

went to a hockey game

walked all the way downtown

at dinner around 10

walked around Torino untill 6:30 am

some people wussed out and left for home at 7:30 am

8 of us slept on the floor of the train station for two hours (the only time in my life I will ever do that. There were at least 50 other people doing the exact same thing who were obviousely not homeless.)

went to the Olympic souvounier shop

got lunch

went shopping (I couldn't find Olympics postcards anywhere! So I settled for Torino cards)

left for home at 5:05

got back to Santa Chiara around 2 am.

crashed into my bed after a long hot shower

Now I leave tomarrow (Tuesday) for three days in Rome and three days in Sorrento! I just hope I have enough clean clothes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily that is sooooo cool that you got to go to Italy I want to go there. I remember being told about it when we went for Gina's wedding, the pictures are great! I hope you have a really good time.
your cousin, Jordan

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will be happy to know that the picture of you sleeping on the train station floor is now my wallpaper on my work computer :-)

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Such a good long entry with plenty of pictures! Awesome! Glad you had a good time.


PS: Both Latvia and Sweden are on the Baltic Sea (brr).

PPS: Remember this rhyme:

If it has an 'a'
it can't mean "the next day",
But if you use the 'o'
then you're good to go!

(for help remembering how to spell "tomorrow")

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have I told you how much I like Jon?!?!

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn it emily how the hell do you get to a hockey game and i am here stuck watching it on t.v? oh well at least the czechs are kicking ass! I think we are going to a hockey game here in praha in march! I am glad to see that things are going very well in Italy, hopefully i will get to talk to you soon!

3:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very cool!! Jon is an idiot and apparently is only annoying and odd around me. only around me. weirdo.

anyways. if you get this before going to rome...just remember (and you're parents will love this)...if you don't have enough clean clothes, just buy some more :D
you can always mail them home, right? haha...okay, nevermind.

BTW, I got your postcard the other day!! It made my MONTH!
Hope all is still well!

12:23 PM  

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